
Is that a burrito and a taco at a bar? Yes…yes it is.

I'm a Seattle based Video Creative. My experience is leveraged by well known Advertising Agencies, Creative Shops, and Production Companies who plug me into a variety of roles within the video production pipeline. Modern Motion is the Production Company through which I've run projects for the last 17 years.

Though I'm often hired as a Cinematographer due to my extensive knowledge in that discipline, I also have years of experience in other areas of video production including creative direction, producing, editing and color.

I have meticulous understanding of the video production process within global organizations and extensive experience working with both Marketing Teams and SME’s within those organizations.

In recent years, as traveling with gear has become cost prohibitive, I've also become a trusted source to call on for dependable diverse local crew and production equipment. Simply put, if you are a production coming in from out of town, call me and I will help you fill in the gaps so it's one less thing you have to worry about.

I’ve been told my strong work ethic and approachable personality seem to be the perfect antidote to the crazy world of production.

Reach out at chris@modernmotionvideo.com
